Thursday 29 May 2014

Sew What?

Damn kids are expensive, especially when they grow faster than Great Dane puppies.

My son really needed winter pajamas and I thought to myself, "Myself, it can't be that hard to make them".  I haven't sewn since high school but was sure that it must be like riding a bike, Right? 

So off I go to the local habby and fabric shop. I had already found the patterns online, so no lengthy paging through huge pattern books. Got the fabric, all the bits n bobs and a seamstress was born, well kinda.

I had borrowed my Mom's sewing machine and over locker and was set to go. Copied out the pattern on to pattern paper, remembering to copy all the notches and markings (Mrs Watt would be so proud), cut out my fabric and was ready to go. I then spent the next few hours trying to figure out how to thread the over locker and get the tension right without needles shattering all over the place. My perseverance paid off and I began putting the pieces together.

I won't lie, I was impressed with myself. They were not without fault but they fitted and my son loved his new snuggly pajamas. He said he would not mind if I knitted him some more, LOL. That is just priceless

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