Monday 26 May 2014

Cupboard transformation

So finally after years of wanting and eventually needing a bigger home. My hubby and I discovered a deceased estate home for sale. We put in a cheeky offer and with in a few months we moved in (10 days after our daughter was born) 

This place was a mess! I could see the bigger picture and the huge potential but alas there was much work to be done. 

Will post about the many things we did to turn this dump into a wonderful home. 

But lets start with the kitchen...

These were the pictures we took when we first had a look at the house.

 Trouble was that we were a little short on the green stuff to have the kitchen remodeled by a pro and there was no way that I could live with it as it was. The cupboards were full of old grease and grime... eeeuw. 

So some serious internet searches and the purchase of a sanding machine, was the beginning of my big adventure...

I looked around and found some stunning handles at a fraction of the price at SDT in Jet Park. Bought some Gripseal - Indonesian Teak stain, a few brushes and convinced my husband I knew exactly what I was doing.

So Friday night we got the kids to bed, got out the screw driver and removed all the kitchen doors and all the hardware. Saturday we sanded down everything and started to do the stain. Sunday we painted the walls and re hung the doors...

Hell it was some serious hard labour but worth every second.

And just for fun, we added in a chalk board wall which has been a hit
Chalk Board Paint

So the next mission is to change the counter tops and the flooring....


  1. You have always been so creative - what an amazing job! Very proud of you both xxx

    1. Thanks guys, have really enjoyed all these challenges.
